Return Policy

Returns Policy

At Beauty Ship To You, we offer a generous 30-day return window, which initiates from the date of delivery.

Returns for Damaged or Wrong Items

We gladly accept returns for items that are damaged during delivery or incorrectly shipped. To facilitate this process, kindly provide a photograph of the damaged item(s). In such cases, we will furnish a shipping label for your convenience. This label will allow you to arrange returns by dropping the package off at the appropriate postal service.

Upon receipt of the item(s), please reach out to us at within 2 days of the delivery date.

Returns for Changed Mind or No Longer Needed Items

For returns initiated due to reasons like changed preferences or items no longer needed, a standard restocking fee of 15% will usually apply. This fee is calculated based on the cost of the items being returned.

Items being returned should maintain their sellable condition, including being unopened, unused, undamaged, and with no missing parts. Original seals, if present, should remain intact, and any pricing stickers or additional materials should be removed prior to returning the item(s). Failure to adhere to these conditions may be considered Return Fraud, leading to the denial of a refund.

Buyers are responsible for the cost of the return shipping label, which will be deducted from the refunded amount, along with the 15% restocking fee. The formula is as follows:

Total Refund Amount = (Original Amount - 15% Restocking Fee) - Return Shipping Label Cost

Non-Refundable: Shipping Fees and Return Shipping Fees

Refunds will be issued after we receive and process the returned items. Depending on the buyer's chosen payment method, the refund process may take anywhere from 1 to 5 business days.

Special Return Scenarios

For sales channels not directly on Beauty Ship to You's main site (e.g., purchases on Google), specific return scenarios may apply. Some items such as electronics, nail polish, and perfumes may not be eligible for return due to their nature.

Refund amounts may vary on a case-by-case basis for these special scenarios.

Return Fraud

In instances where return fraud is detected, a claim will be filed against the buyer. Depending on the severity of the fraud, the buyer may receive a partial refund or no refund at all. Furthermore, individuals attempting return fraud will be prohibited from making future purchases from Beauty Ship To You.

Time Limit for Returns

Please be aware that returns cannot be processed after the 30-day window from the start of the delivery date. Items will no longer be eligible for return beyond this 30-day period.

For any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us at